Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Mr Raj Bhattacharya named Chief Clinical Advisor - Orthopaedics & Medical at NuroKor
NuroKor is delighted to announce a key clinical addition to its team with the appointment of Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Mr Raj Bhattacharya, MBBS MRCSEd MRCS Glas MSc FRCS(T&O) MBA, as Chief Clinical Advisor for Orthopaedics and Medical.
Raj, who is already an advocate of the technology, is also Clinical Director of Orthopaedics, Plastics and Major Trauma at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and North West London Major Trauma Centre. He is a practising Trauma and Orthopaedic Consultant specialising in knee and trauma surgery. He is also President of the Orthopaedic Section of the Royal Society of Medicine, London, and acts as Clinical Advisor to the Parliament and Health Ombudsman. He said:
“As part of my daily job, I work with patients undergoing major surgery. Whether it is routine joint replacements, or complex procedures following major trauma, the need for effective aftercare is just as important as the surgery itself. Pain management is one of the biggest challenges that we, as clinicians, need to address, which is what first piqued my interest in NuroKor.
“The technology allows us to monitor and support patients’ pain relief and reflects the changing way that we are now providing care and gathering information and data. Currently, non-invasive pain management isn't well developed and I think there's huge potential for further growth - which I’m looking forward to contributing to, in my new role.”
Raj’s primary focus at NuroKor will be supporting the company’s clinical evaluation projects and helping to progress formal research - providing scientific evidence regarding its efficacy. The work will provide important validation of bioelectrical therapy, strengthening evidence for the technology to be incorporated into the wider healthcare realm. In addition, he’ll also help support new opportunities in clinical markets. Raj added:
“Coronavirus has had an immeasurable impact on the way all healthcare practitioners work and necessity is now the primary driver. Healthtech brands like NuroKor have been able to circumnavigate the traditional barriers of bureaucracy to get their products onto the market and into the hands of physicians and patients much quicker. I see NuroKor helping to shape what I believe is the future of healthcare and technology and that’s exciting.

“Pain is such a universal thing - pretty much everybody I know has suffered from pain at some stage in their life. I think having a non-invasive, affordable pain management system is, at some point, going to be taken up by society and the wider population.
“Management of pain is a key driver for me as an orthopaedic surgeon. I want to be able to give something to my patients as they go home after surgery and say, wear this for the next two weeks. As long as I know it works and there are no harmful side effects, its use is pretty universal, so there's massive potential.”
About NuroKor
Founded in 2018, NuroKor is a company committed to the development of bioelectronic technologies. NuroKor develops and formulates programmable bioelectronic software for clinical and therapeutic applications, in a range of easy to use, wearable devices. It provides the highest-quality products, delivering personalised pain relief and recovery support and rehabilitation to patients.