New healthtech partnership set to unlock the power of personalised bioelectrical treatment using DNA sequencing
In the first partnership of its kind, two health tech startups, NuroKor and Muhdo have announced a collaboration to bring together the science behind bioelectronics and DNA data sequencing to personalise the recovery processes that occur post-workout, injury, and illness.
Muhdo's DNA and epigenetic analysis allows for a personal understanding of your own recovery and inflammation and NuroKor's devices help you take control of it. Using scientifically-proven, personalised bioelectronic medicine, NuroKor can support pain management and injury rehabilitation, as well as improving recovery from exercise and training.
As healthcare moves towards individualised treatments, so too does wellness and training. Muhdo provides all the information needed to build a data-driven, customised approach to rehab, prehab and performance. This, supported by the NuroKor BioElectronic system, can allow consumers to track the impact of Electrical Muscular Stimulation (EMS), and assist them in boosting results, whilst tracking biomarkers that identify inflammation and epigenetic age.
KorDNA has been developed with a focus on personalisation. The non-invasive saliva test provides users with detailed insight into their own DNA profile and an understanding of how environment and lifestyle can affect genetic expression, as well as personalised health recommendations including tailored workout plans and nutrition, training, treatment and recovery guides. With this detailed and highly individualised information, users are supported to meet their own health needs and goals.

Commenting on how improved awareness of genetic factors could aid with injury and exercise recovery, Dr Leah Austin, GP and Nutritional Therapist said:
"The ability to build a bespoke management plan using a NuroKor device, which is based on an in-depth understanding of personal genetic disposition has the potential to profoundly improve recovery from training for people exercising at all levels. I know from my own personal and professional experience that some people's bodies take much longer to rest and repair from strenuous activity. I once cycled from Lands End to John O'Groats and experienced significant swelling, also known as oedematous - at the time I didn't have a recovery plan but if I'd had a routine that took into consideration my genetics using a simple and effective device like NuroKor, my experience could've been very different."

Through continued collaboration, the two startups are already exploring new ways to integrate bioelectronics into DNA profiling to assist with even more highly personalised treatment protocols for optimal pain treatment or increased training performance and muscle development.
"Epigenetics is the science that explains how your genes behave. You are born with your genetic makeup, but how those genes are expressed is affected by lifestyle," explains the Chief Executive of Muhdo, Nathan Berkley. "Our partnership with NuroKor and the development of the KorDNA profile will allow users to monitor core areas of their health, diet and vitamin levels, psychology, and physical condition to provide a means to better understand their body and maximise its potential."
Building on this Rick Rowan, CEO and Founder of NuroKor BioElectronics comments:
"By collaborating with Muhdo, we can better understand the epigenetic factors that impact individuals. Together, we will be able to provide personal, easy-to-understand DNA diagnostics and real-time user sensor analytics via the app - the combination of our bioelectronic treatment applications and Muhdo's data analytics has the potential to improves lives, whether your aim is to recover from injury or illness, or to simply get fitter."
KorDNA is available to buy starting at [£120] at
About NuroKor
Founded in 2018, NuroKor is a business committed to the development of bioelectronic technologies. NuroKor develops and formulates programmable bioelectronic software for clinical and therapeutic applications, in a range of easy to use, wearable devices. It provides the highest-quality, medically regulated products, delivering personalised pain relief and recovery support and rehabilitation to patients.
About Muhdo
Muhdo is the first company in the world to offer a true internal wellness epigenetic profiling programme direct to companies and consumers, inspiring and supporting people to live healthier, happier, longer lives. As a next generation genetic and big data company, its vision is the mass personalisation of preventive and curative health through epigenetics and analytics, delivering a truly holistic and objective health and wellness programme.